27 December 2015

Top 11 show started with an exciting performance by Jawid Sameer, followed by another thrilling performance by Ashkan Arab. The judges liked the way they performed, but pointed out some weaknesses, including their pronunciation and lack of emotion at the start of the songs.


Ziba Hamidi, the only Rap performer of the show, surprised the audience with her Pop performance, but our tough judges found many mistakes in her performance and give her a total score of 13 out of 40 which was the lowest compare to the other contestants. Shafi Shirzai performed a song “Qad Bala Naz Ko” and could obtain a total of 31 score out of 40, but he said that he was expecting to get the full marks. 


Ashkan Arab chose a Herati Folklore song “Debar Shokh Rang”. The judges loved it and gave him the highest scores of the night. Habibuallah Fani another talented contestant performed a song “Agar Ahee Kasham” and got some very positive feedbacks of the judges on his performance.


Sahar Arian obtained the highest marks possible from judges on her folkloric performance.  After, Mansoor Arian came on the stage with his unique sound and traditional dress. He had a good start, but unfortunately he forgot the poem in the middle of the performance and stopped singing as a result he got very poor marks from the judges. Qasem Shahed got the judges dancing with his pop song and  he got a mix of 7s and 8s from the judges on his performance. 


Finally, Ramin Popal sang a song from his musical inspiration, Delagha Sorood, and Tawab Noori sang a traditional song from Ariana Sayed, that could satisfy the judges of the show. Stay tuned for two more shows next week! 


To find out what happened in the 11th episode of Afghan Star and more about the Top 11 please click on the link below to watch the full episode of afghan Star